The Organ The Organ of Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford Elliot (1817) / Telford (1876) / Jones (2003) Great Choir Couplers Double Diapason 16′ Open Diapason 8′ Stopped Diapason 8′ Principal 4′ Harmonic Flute 4′ Twelfth2 2/3′ Fifteenth 2′ Mixture Trumpet 8′ Clarion 4′ Dulciana 8′ Stopped Diapason 8′ Principal 4′ Flute 4′ Fifteenth 2′ Sesquialtera Clarinet 8′ Tremulant Swell to Choir Swell to Great Choir to Great Swell to Pedal Great to Pedal Choir to Pedal Swell Pedal Open Diapason 8′ Stopped Diapason 8′ Viol de Gamba 8′ Vox Celeste 8′ Principal 4′ Flute 4′ Doublette 2′ Cornopean 8′ Hautboy 8′ Tremulant Double Diapason 16′ Bourdon 16′ Octave 8′ Bass Flute 8′ Trombone 16′ 99-Channel memory bank 8 General pistons Divisional pistons on each manual Full range of thumb and toe pistons